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  Inverted Bucket Steam Traps
The Steam Trap is simply an automatic valve that opens for condensate, air and CO2 and closes for steam. For economic reasons the Trap should perform this function for long periods of time with minimum attention.
TRINE Inverted Bucket Steam Trap perfectly satisfies the above basic requirement. It operates on the difference in density between steam and water. Steam entering the inverted submerged bucket causes the bucket to float which when lifted closes the discharge valve. Condensate entering the trap changes the bucket to a weight that sinks and opens the trap valve to discharge the condensate. But unlike other mechanical traps, air and carbon dioxide are vented continously at steam temperature.
  Inverted Bucket   Inverted Bucket  
The heart of TRINE Inverted Bucket Steam Trap is its leverage system that multiplies the force exerted by the bucket to open the valve against pressure. There are no fixed pivots to create friction. It is designed to open the discharge orifice for maximum capcity. Wearing points are reinforced for longer life. Bucket is made of stainless steel and Valve & Seat are of heat treated chrome steel having minimum hardness of 55 RC.
Size - inch - mm   Connections Pressure  Psi Temp  oF

Cast Iron  1/2" - 2" 15 - 50 Screwed Flanged 200 428

Cast Steel  1/2" - 2" 15 - 50  Screwed/SW Flanged 300 885 Forged Steel 1/2" - 2" 15 - 50 Screwed/SW Flanged 1500 885
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